Vikramaditya Motwane’s cyber thriller CTRL, featuring Ananya Panday, is set to arrive on Netflix, the streamer announced on Monday. Produced by Saffron and Andolan Films featuring Vihaan Samat, the film will start streaming on the platform from October 4.
According to the makers, CTRL is a cutting-edge thriller that will make you rethink your dependency on technology. In the movie, Panday and Samat play Nella Awasthi and Joe Mascarenhas, respectively, a romantic couple who create content together and are loved by their Internet audience.
“But what occurs when they separate? In a society where data holds immense power, how much sharing is excessive? How much of your personal life are you ready to disclose, and do you gradually lose control in the process?” the official synopsis states.
Motwane, recognized for his work on Udaan, Lootera, and Trapped, remarked that with the significant amount of time individuals spend on their devices, screen time has evolved into what he calls screen life.The question is, are we actually in control of all the digital extensions of our life, or are we being controlled? That’s the answer CTRL tries to explore.