Fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Stree 2, starring Rajkumar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor in the lead roles. According to the report, 9731 tickets of the film were sold for 2008 shows, and it grossed ₹37.58 lakh in Hindi. The makers announced on Saturday that the advance booking for Stree 2 has opened. It will release in theatres on August 14 on Independence Day eve, with night shows starting from 9.30 pm, Maddock Films announced on its social media pages. “Stree 2- Advance Booking Open Now,” the studio posted along with a poster of the film.
Woh Stree hai, woh kuch bhi kar sakti hai (She is Stree, she can do anything)! Isilye woh aa rahi hai ek raat Pehle (So she is coming a night early), just for you. Stree2, the legend returns on Independence Day eve, with night shows from 9:30 pm onwards on 14th August 2024,” it added.
Directed by Amar Kaushik, the film was set in the small town of Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh, where an evil spirit named Stree abducts men in the night during the festival season. It was based on the urban legend of Nale Ba that went viral in Karnataka in the 1990s.
Stree 2 is produced by Dinesh Vijan through Maddock Films and Jio Studios’s Jyoti Deshpande. The Stree films are part of Maddock’s horror comedy universe, which also includes Varun Dhawan’s Bhediya and recently released Munjya, featuring Sharvari and Abhay Verma.
Moreover, Stree 2 will have a clash with three other big-ticket movies- Akshay Kumar’s Khel Khel Mein and John Abraham’s Vedaa. Vikram’s Thangalaan, directed by Pa Ranjith, and Puri Jagannadh’s Double iSmart, featuring Ram Pothineni and Sanjay Dutt, will also release on Independence Day.
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