Bollywood’s heartthrob Sidharth Malhotra is reportedly in advanced discussions with filmmaker Karan Johar for what promises to be one of the biggest action films in recent years. Sources close to the project reveal that the movie is expected to go on floors in 2025, with Malhotra taking on a lead role that could redefine his career.
The film, shrouded in secrecy, is anticipated to be a high-octane action thriller, marking yet another collaboration between Malhotra and Johar after their successful partnership in previous films. Industry insiders are already buzzing about the film’s potential, predicting it could be a major hit and a significant milestone in both the actor’s and the director’s careers.
Fans are eagerly awaiting official confirmation, but if the deal goes through, this project could very well set new benchmarks in Bollywood’s action genre.
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