Aamir Khan recently made headlines with a heartwarming video call to Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat, who had just returned from the Paris 2024 Olympics. Vinesh, who made waves with her historic semifinal victory in the women’s 50 kg freestyle wrestling, faced a setback when she was disqualified from the finals for being overweight. Despite this, her resilience and spirit earned her widespread admiration back home.
Since her return to India, Vinesh has been showered with praise and affection from her fellow countrymen. Aamir Khan, the Bollywood superstar known for his role in *Dangal*, joined in the celebrations with a personal video call to Vinesh, offering his warm congratulations for her remarkable Olympic journey.
The screenshot of their video call quickly went viral, capturing not just the moment between Khan and Phogat but also featuring Kripa Shankar, the former wrestler who mentored the actors in *Dangal*. The image showed Vinesh beaming with joy, deeply touched by Khan’s thoughtful gesture.
As the photo spread across social media, fans erupted with excitement. Many seized the opportunity to voice their hopes for a sequel to *Dangal*. Comments poured in, with one user exclaiming, “Champion Hai!” and another enthusiastically declaring, “Dangal 2 is on its way!” Fans also flooded the post with red hearts and thumbs-up emojis, celebrating the moment.
The buzz for *Dangal 2* isn’t entirely new. Following Vinesh’s impressive performance at the Paris Olympics, fans had already been rallying for a sequel to *Dangal*, hoping to see her incredible journey depicted on screen. The original *Dangal*, directed by Nitesh Tiwari and released in 2016, was a huge hit, showcasing the inspiring story of Mahavir Singh Phogat and his daughters as they battled societal norms to achieve wrestling glory.
On the professional front, Aamir Khan is currently working on his highly anticipated film *Sitaare Zameen Par*. This sequel to his 2007 blockbuster *Taare Zameen Par* promises to be a delightful mix of humor and heart, with Genelia Deshmukh also starring in a significant role.
The unexpected video call and the subsequent fan reactions have certainly added an extra layer of excitement around both Khan’s upcoming projects and the potential for a *Dangal* sequel, blending the worlds of cinema and sports in a truly special way.