Preity Zinta, the charming and much-loved Bollywood star who captured hearts in the 90s, has recently shared a deeply personal chapter of her life in an interview with Vogue. Known for her roles in classics like Kya Kehna and Chori Chori Chupke Chupke, Preity has always been associated with happiness and positivity. However, she’s now opening up about the real struggles she faced while navigating the path to motherhood.
In her interview, Preity reflected on her experiences with IVF, a topic she had previously kept private. Despite her public persona as someone who always seems to radiate joy, she admitted that her journey to becoming a mother was far from easy. Preity described the IVF process as an emotional rollercoaster. There were days when she felt overwhelmed and on the verge of giving up. The struggle to maintain her usual sunny demeanor during these tough times was a significant challenge, and she candidly shared moments when she felt like crying or even banging her head against the wall in frustration.
Preity’s path to motherhood ultimately led her to choose surrogacy, a decision that brought her and her husband, Gene Goodenough, immense joy. In November 2021, they welcomed their twins, Gia and Jai. The news was met with a wave of happiness from fans, and Preity took to Instagram to express her gratitude. She not only shared her excitement but also thanked the surrogate who played a crucial role in their journey to parenthood.
Preity’s willingness to talk about her struggles with IVF and the emotional challenges she faced offers a more nuanced view of her life behind the scenes. It’s a powerful reminder that even those who seem to have everything figured out go through their own battles. Her story of resilience and eventual triumph is both inspiring and grounding, showing that beneath the sparkle of a public persona, there’s a real human journey filled with its own set of trials and victories