The musical maestro A.R. Rahman and his wife, Saira Banu, have called it quits after nearly three decades of marriage, leaving fans and Bollywood buzzing. While the couple has remained tight-lipped about the details, celebrity divorce lawyer Vandana Shah’s explosive revelations are fueling the chatter.
Vandana, known for handling high-profile splits, spiced up her podcast by spilling the beans on what makes celebrity marriages crack. According to her, it’s not always infidelity—it’s boredom! “They’ve seen it all,” she said, hinting that starry lives come with higher expectations, especially in the bedroom. Her candid take? One-night stands don’t break celebrity marriages; it’s feeling unimportant, meddling in-laws, and, yes, bedroom boredom!
The lawyer didn’t stop there. She painted a vivid picture of another South Indian couple struggling because of a billionaire father-in-law who turned the husband into a docile “cat.” Bollywood’s favorite wordsmiths might call it a blockbuster script, but Vandana insists it’s real-life drama.
Rahman’s emotional post on X (formerly Twitter) has already left fans heartbroken, but these behind-the-scenes stories are adding spice to the sorrow. With the industry buzzing about Saira’s bold decision to speak up and Vandana’s no-holds-barred commentary, one can’t help but wonder—will this divorce saga inspire Bollywood’s next big hit?
Stay tuned, because in the world of stars, the drama doesn’t end with the credits!