Veteran comedian Sunil Pal, known for his win on The Great Indian Laughter Challenge in 2005, caused alarm when he went missing for several hours on Tuesday. His wife, Sarita Pal, filed a police complaint after failing to contact him.
The Incident
Reports suggest Sunil Pal was traveling for a show outside Mumbai but failed to return as expected on December 3. His phone initially rang unanswered and was later switched off, prompting his wife to seek police assistance.
Sunil Pal Contacts Family
Hours after the missing complaint, Sunil Pal contacted his family, informing them he was on his way back. According to a senior police official, Sunil was found safe and is now returning to Mumbai.
Police Involvement
Authorities, including Unit 9 Crime Branch’s Daya Nayak, have confirmed Sunil Pal’s safety and will now investigate the circumstances leading to the incident. Sarita Pal also updated well-wishers, stating, “Sunil ji has spoken to the police.”
Colleagues Speak Out
Film trade analyst Girish Wankhede mentioned that Sunil Pal admitted there was an issue but reassured everyone that it had been resolved. He added that Sunil was boarding a flight from Delhi to Mumbai when he last spoke.
Sunil Pal’s Career
Sunil Pal rose to fame with his comedic talent on The Great Indian Laughter Challenge and later appeared in films like Hum Tum and Phir Hera Pheri. His disappearance had sparked concerns among fans and colleagues, underscoring his enduring popularity in Indian entertainment.
This news report is curated with insights from multiple reliable news sources.