Dilip Joshi, the actor famed for his role as Jethalal in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, recently addressed rumors of a major confrontation with the show’s producer, Asit Modi. The reports suggested a heated exchange in August, allegedly involving Joshi holding Modi by the collar and threatening to quit over time-off requests. Joshi, however, firmly denied these claims, labeling them “completely false” in his statement. He expressed disappointment over the spread of negativity, emphasizing the toll such rumors take on the show’s loyal fanbase, which has followed the show since 2008.
Joshi also shared his frustration with recurring rumors that he and Modi are at odds. Despite the swirling gossip, he reaffirmed his commitment to the show, saying, “It saddens me to see this negativity because Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah has brought so much joy to many people for so long.” Joshi concluded by reassuring fans that he would continue to be part of the show, reinforcing his long-standing involvement and dedication.