Diljit Dosanjh’s performance in Ahmedabad took an unexpected turn when the singer slipped on stage while performing his hit song Patiala Peg. The moment, caught on video, showed Diljit fully immersed in the song when he lost his footing during a dance move. However, the quick-thinking artist managed to regain his balance and immediately stopped the music. He alerted the crew, revealing that the pyrotechnics on stage were spilling fuel, which contributed to his fall.
In a candid moment, Diljit told the crew, “Bhai yahan pe fire aap jo chhodte ho, mat chhodo. Tel aata hai yahan. I am okay.” (“Bro, don’t use the fire you are using here. There’s fuel here. I’m okay.”) Fans, relieved that he was unhurt, couldn’t help but draw comparisons to a similar stage fall he had during an early 2010s performance with Yo Yo Honey Singh.
But that wasn’t the only memorable moment of the concert. Diljit also addressed the legal notice he received before his Hyderabad show, demanding that he remove references to drugs and alcohol from his songs. In response, Diljit altered the lyrics during his performance, sticking to the changes he made earlier. He humorously remarked, “Let’s start a movement—if all states ban liquor consumption completely, I will never sing a song about alcohol again in my entire life.” The singer, who has also released devotional tracks, expressed his frustration with the media’s focus on his alcohol-themed songs.
The incident was a mix of an on-stage accident and a thought-provoking statement from Diljit on societal issues, proving once again that his performances are more than just musical events—they’re full of personality, spontaneity, and powerful messages.