In the latest Bollywood shocker, social media is ablaze with rumours suggesting that Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai’s seemingly perfect marriage is on the brink of collapse. The frenzy began when Abhishek was caught liking multiple posts related to divorce and the challenges of “grey divorces,” causing fans to speculate about trouble in paradise.
Adding fuel to the fire, Aishwarya Rai made an appearance with her daughter at a high-profile event (Ambani’s Wedding) last month, a move that raised eyebrows and further intensified the divorce rumours. The situation escalated when a video allegedly showing Abhishek confirming their separation went viral, sending the internet into a meltdown. However, it was later revealed that the video was AI-generated, raising questions about the ethical implications of using such technology to manipulate public opinion.
Despite Abhishek’s attempt to quash the rumours by publicly stating that they are “still married,” the damage seems to have been done. Many are questioning the authenticity of their relationship, with some insiders claiming that the couple has been struggling for years, keeping their issues out of the public eye to maintain their image.
Is the Bachchan family’s golden couple on the verge of calling it quits, or is this just another case of social media spiralling out of control? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain, the public can’t get enough of the drama.
For the latest updates on this unfolding saga, stay tuned to Fameplayers, your source for exclusive Bollywood news.