Ram Charan and Kiara Advani’s latest song, “Naanaa Hyraanaa,” from the upcoming political-action drama Game Changer, has unintentionally tickled the internet’s funny bone. Netizens can’t stop comparing the duo’s performance to the cult TV couple Ahemji and Gopi Bahu from Saath Nibhana Saathiya.
‘Ahemji, Is That You?’
Social media platforms exploded with comments like:
- *“Charan is looking like Ahemji from Saath Nibhana Sathiya.”
- “The la-la-la song would suit these visuals perfectly.”
- “Charan’s beard screams Ahemji vibes!”
From jerky choreography to baffling expressions, fans were quick to call out the unintentional hilarity of the song’s visuals.
Kiara Faces the Heat
Kiara Advani, who previously impressed with her charismatic screen presence, faced scathing reviews. Many viewers criticized her performance, dubbing her stiff and disconnected:
- “Kiara looks stiff, like she’s not in sync with the vibe of the song.”
- “She’s mind-numbingly dull. Zero screen presence!”
- “When will people stop excusing mediocrity? Kiara isn’t A-list material.”
The actress also found herself in the middle of the insider-outsider debate, with some fans comparing her favorable treatment to Bulbbul star Triptii Dimri, who has faced backlash for similar performances.
‘Naanaa Hyraanaa’ vs. Devara’s Chuttamalle
Adding fuel to the fire, comparisons were drawn with the polarizing music video Chuttamalle from Jr. NTR and Janhvi Kapoor’s Devara: Part 1. A user sarcastically commented:
- “Thought Chuttamalle was bad, but Naanaa Hyraanaa takes the crown.”
What Went Wrong?
While Ram Charan and Kiara have displayed sizzling chemistry in past projects, the lackluster choreography, uninspired visuals, and cringe-worthy direction of Naanaa Hyraanaa seem to have dampened expectations for Game Changer.
Directed by S. Shankar, the film is slated for release on January 10, 2025. With such polarizing buzz, it remains to be seen whether the movie lives up to its ambitious title.
This news report is curated with insights from multiple reliable news sources.