The Great Indian Kapil Show is facing backlash after comedian Krushna Abhishek’s recent skit, which has ignited anger among Bengalis for its perceived mockery of Rabindranath Tagore’s revered song Ekla Cholo Re. The controversial episode featured Bollywood stars Kajol and Kriti Sanon promoting their new film Do Patti. During a comedic exchange, Krushna, speaking in broken Bengali, humorously changed the song’s iconic line to “Pachla cholo re,” implying “walk with five people” instead of walking alone.
Although intended as light-hearted humor, many viewers saw the joke as an insult to Tagore’s patriotic anthem. Host Kapil Sharma even pointed out the song’s true message of self-reliance, to which Krushna replied that walking alone could “attract stray dogs,” drawing laughs from the live audience.
But the laughter was not shared by everyone. Esteemed Bengali poet Srijato Bandyopadhyay took to Facebook, condemning Krushna’s sketch, calling it a “step too far” and accusing the show of disrespecting a cultural symbol. “There’s a boundary between humor and mockery. In the quest for ratings, they’ve crossed it,” Srijato wrote, demanding a public apology within seven days and warning of possible legal action if the issue isn’t addressed.
The outrage has only grown, with prominent Bengali figures like music director Indradip Dasgupta, singer Iman Chakraborty, and filmmaker Suman Mukhopadhyay also voicing their displeasure. Bengali nationalist group Bangla Paksha issued a strong statement, accusing the show of holding “an ingrained disdain for Bengalis.” Garga Chatterjee, founder of Bangla Paksha, claimed this isn’t the first instance of alleged disrespect towards Bengalis on the show, noting past incidents that he says targeted the Bengali community and culture.
Ekla Cholo Re, written by Tagore during the partition of Bengal in 1905, is seen as a patriotic anthem symbolizing resilience and unity. Critics argue that any disrespect towards the song offends the entire Bengali community.
Responding to the controversy, Krushna Abhishek maintained that the joke was not intended to offend anyone and hinted that the show’s creative team would discuss the next steps to address the community’s concerns. For now, Bengali viewers and cultural advocates await an official response, as the debate continues to unfold across social media.