Mrunal Thakur, known for her remarkable performances in films like Sita Ramam and Super 30, recently found herself in an amusing social media blunder. The actress mistakenly responded to a fan account of Pakistani actor Hania Aamir, thinking it was the real star, after the account praised her as the “best actor of this generation.”
The incident unfolded when a verified fan account of Hania Aamir on X (formerly Twitter) shared a glowing post about Mrunal Thakur, calling her the most versatile actress in India. The post read, “I may be emotional, but for me, @mrunal0801 is the best actor of this generation.” Since the account had a verified blue tick, Mrunal thought it was a direct compliment from Hania herself. In response, she expressed her gratitude: “Hania, you made my day. Thank you so much, my dear.”
However, the response sparked laughter across the internet, as fans pointed out the mix-up. One user commented, “Real ID nahi hai vo (It’s not the real ID).” Another jokingly said, “Time to fire your PR.” Fans couldn’t help but notice that the account was a parody, not the official profile of Hania Aamir.
Mrunal herself saw the humor in the situation and responded to some comments with wit. When one user offered to help improve her social media presence, Mrunal replied with a smile: “Hahahaha, so sweet. I’m my team!”
In the meantime, Mrunal is gearing up for her upcoming action-drama Dacoit, where she stars opposite Adivi Sesh. Directed by Shaneil Deo, the film tells the gripping tale of a convict seeking vengeance against his ex-girlfriend. The movie is set to release later this year.
This news report is curated with insights from multiple reliable news sources.