In a new controversy surrounding the Bollywood thriller Do Patti, musician Nilanjana Ghosh Dastidar has publicly accused the music composer duo Sachet-Parampara, and T-Series, of plagiarizing her husband Rajarshi Mitter’s track in the song Maiyya. The song, composed by Sachet Tandon and Parampara Tandon, is integral to the film’s narrative, reflecting themes of domestic violence involving Kriti Sanon’s character and her mother.
Nilanjana shared screenshots of messages sent to Sachet Tandon, asserting that Maiyya is a “blatant copy” of her husband’s work, originally available on YouTube. In her message, she expressed frustration, calling out the composer for allegedly using the track without permission, and issued a strong warning: “You don’t know who you messed with. Now wait and watch what we do.”
Taking the issue to social media, Nilanjana posted on Facebook urging fellow musicians to “shame” T-Series and the composer duo for allegedly appropriating Mitter’s track without proper authorization. “I’m asking all my fellow musicians and artists to shame this music director and the entire T-Series music company. Sachet Tandon, I’m speaking directly to you – you’re a shameless, filthy thief,” she wrote.
Do Patti, directed by Shashanka Chaturvedi, features Kriti Sanon in a dual role and Kajol as a determined police officer. While the film is gaining traction on Netflix, the plagiarism allegation casts a shadow on its soundtrack. This isn’t the first collaboration between Kriti and Kajol, who previously shared the screen in the 2015 film Dilwale with Shah Rukh Khan.