Veteran actor Nagarjuna Akkineni shared intriguing stories about his father, Telugu cinema legend Akkineni Nageswara Rao (ANR), at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI). During an in-conversation session, Nagarjuna revealed that his grandmother, longing for a girl child, used to dress ANR as a girl in his childhood. He reminisced about a photograph of ANR in plaits, noting how his feminine look might have inspired his acting career.
ANR’s journey to stardom began in a humble village without electricity, and he initially portrayed women on stage due to societal norms at the time. His career took a dramatic turn when producer Ghantasala Balaramayya noticed him at a railway station and offered him a role, marking the start of a seven-decade-long cinematic legacy.
Nagarjuna also shared ANR’s struggles, including facing ridicule for his “feminine” mannerisms early in his career. At one point, the mockery led ANR to contemplate suicide, but he overcame his challenges and emerged stronger. Determined to refine his voice for cinema, ANR adopted unconventional techniques like screaming at the ocean and smoking cigars to make his voice deeper.
The IFFI honored ANR’s legacy by showcasing a restored version of his classic film Devadasu and celebrating his contributions to Indian cinema.