Kangana Ranaut recently launched the trailer for her upcoming film, Emergency. The movie is just two weeks away from its release. However, it has now landed in controversy. The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) and the Akhal Takht are asking for an immediate ban on Ranaut’s movie. They claim the film is trying to “character assassinate” Sikhs and create a negative story about them.
According to sources, the SGPC is concerned that the film may depict Sikhs in a negative light, particularly in relation to Operation Blue Star and the subsequent anti-Sikh riots, events closely tied to Gandhi’s tenure as Prime Minister. The committee has urged authorities to take action to prevent the film’s release, fearing it could inflame communal tensions.
Harsimrat Kaur Badal, an MP from Bathinda, also stated that the SGPC should review Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency before it is released globally. Speaking to the media in Amritsar, Badal said she hasn’t seen the film but mentioned that during the Emergency period, the Shiromani Akali Dal, led by the late Parkash Singh Badal, fought hard and got arrested. Badal said if Sikhs are not shown correctly in the film, it might be because Kangana Ranaut’s role does not allow a fair portrayal of Sikhs. “History shows Kangana has used derogatory language against Punjabis, especially during the farmers’ protests, which indicates her bias,” said the MP.
Kangana Ranaut, who plays Indira Gandhi and also directs the film, has yet to respond to the SGPC’s demands. However, this development adds to the growing controversy surrounding the film, which is slated for release on November 24, 2024.
As the debate intensifies, all eyes are on how the filmmakers and authorities will respond to the SGPC’s concerns and whether the film’s release will proceed as planned.