Shraddha Kapoor, who’s riding high on the success of Stree 2, is now gearing up for a mystical transformation in the much-anticipated Naagin trilogy. In a recent revelation, producer Nikhil Dwivedi spilled some exciting tea about how Shraddha became the lead in his ambitious project. According to him, it was love at first script for the actress!
In an exclusive chat with India Today, Nikhil shared, “Shraddha was the first actress I approached, and she jumped at it. She was sold the moment I narrated the script. There was no second thought—it was an instant yes from her.”
Apparently, the Naagin script underwent three years of rigorous crafting and multiple rewrites before reaching its final form. And now, with everything in place, Shraddha is raring to don the scales and embrace her role as the iconic Icchadhari Naagin. However, fans will have to wait a bit longer as filming is slated to begin in 2025.
Shraddha herself has expressed her enthusiasm about the project. Back in 2020, she announced her involvement via X (formerly Twitter), calling it a dream come true to step into the shoes of the legendary Naagin. Reminiscing about her admiration for Sridevi’s unforgettable performances in Nagina and Nigahen, Shraddha revealed that playing a Naagin rooted in Indian folklore has always been on her wishlist.
Nikhil also gave insight into why Shraddha was his first and only choice for the role. In an earlier interview, he stated, “Shraddha has this rare quality of being the girl-next-door but can effortlessly transform into a sensuous diva. That balance is exactly what we needed for Naagin.”
The project faced its share of controversies too, with rumors in 2022 claiming the trilogy had been shelved. Nikhil was quick to squash these whispers, assuring fans that the project was very much alive and moving forward.
With the Naagin trilogy promising a blend of folklore, fantasy, and Kapoor’s enchanting screen presence, the excitement is already building. As fans eagerly await this serpentine saga, Shraddha seems set to redefine the legend of Naagin for a new generation. Are you ready for her venomous charm?