Celebrated filmmaker Subhash Ghai captivated audiences at the 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa with his thought-provoking docu-drama Gandhi: A Perspective. The 30-minute film, screened at the event, received widespread praise for addressing the enduring relevance of Mahatma Gandhi’s principles in modern times.
Ghai explained his motivation behind the project:
“Many youngsters question Gandhi’s journey and values, wondering why certain events unfolded the way they did. As a responsible citizen, I wanted to create something that could clarify these doubts and highlight how timeless his thoughts and principles are.”
The filmmaker emphasized that the docu-drama, though not commercial cinema, deserves a place in schools and colleges for its educational value.
Additionally, Ghai unveiled his book, Karma’s Child, at the festival. Written by Suveen Sinha, the biography chronicles the struggles and triumphs of Ghai’s filmmaking career. “It’s not just my story but a roadmap for aspiring filmmakers to navigate the challenges of storytelling and production,” he said.
IFFI 2024 also paid homage to Indian cinema legends, including Raj Kapoor, Tapan Sinha, Akkineni Nageswara Rao, and Mohammed Rafi, as part of its centenary tribute program. The festival, running from November 20–28, showcases 180 films from 81 countries, featuring 16 world premieres and numerous Indian debuts.