Taapsee Pannu, known for her powerful performances in films like Pink and Thappad, has opened up about the challenges she faces regarding pay disparity and casting preferences in Bollywood. During a session at Sahitya Aaj Tak, she spoke candidly about how her managers often inform her that filmmakers assume she won’t agree to star opposite big heroes. However, Pannu clarified that she doesn’t mind working with big stars, as long as she is offered substantial roles that are more than just window dressing.
She also touched upon the issue of remuneration, specifically her experience with the much-anticipated film Dunki. Pannu shared that while many assume she is paid handsomely for such films due to the presence of big names like Shah Rukh Khan and Rajkumar Hirani, she revealed the opposite is true. She explained that, in many big-budget films, the hero often has a major say in casting, and it’s not uncommon for female actors to receive less pay, as they are seen as secondary to the male leads. This, Pannu explained, stems from a mindset where male stars prefer co-stars who won’t overshadow their presence.
The actress highlighted the frequent struggle to break this stereotype, noting that in a large percentage of films, it is the hero’s choice of heroine that dictates the casting. Many male stars, she noted, tend to select actresses who are in the “trend” at the time, or who they believe won’t take attention away from them. Despite this, Pannu remains committed to finding roles that challenge her, and she wants to continue working on projects that offer her substantial screen time and character depth, regardless of her co-star’s star power.
Taapsee Pannu’s comments shed light on the broader issues of gender disparity and the hurdles actresses face in securing both equal pay and meaningful roles in the film industry. She remains determined to challenge the status quo while continuing to take on films that offer her rich, substantial roles, irrespective of the actor she is paired with.