Tamil actor Jayam Ravi is making headlines after announcing his separation from wife Aarti Ravi, sparking rumors of an affair with singer Kenishaa Francis. In response to these speculations, Ravi addressed the media, firmly stating, “Don’t drag anyone’s name into this personal matter.” He emphasized the importance of keeping personal lives private and praised Kenishaa for her hard work and achievements as a psychologist and performer.
The actor’s announcement of their divorce, after 15 years of marriage, reportedly took Aarti by surprise, as she claimed she was blindsided by the news. She expressed her feelings in a statement, highlighting that such a significant matter should be handled with more respect and privacy.
As the gossip swirls, Jayam Ravi is focusing on his upcoming projects, including Brother and Kadhalika Neramillai, while urging fans and the media to refrain from speculation about his personal