Navjot Singh Sidhu is set to make a guest appearance on The Great Indian Kapil Show after a five-year hiatus, reigniting discussions about his controversial departure from the show. Sidhu, who was once a popular regular on the show, left amidst a storm of backlash over his remarks on the 2019 Pulwama terror attack.
The incident that led to his ousting occurred on February 14, 2019, when Sidhu condemned the attack that killed 40 CRPF soldiers but also made a statement that many found insensitive. He questioned whether the actions of a few individuals should lead to blaming an entire nation, a remark that triggered widespread outrage. His comments were viewed as downplaying the gravity of the attack, and it wasn’t long before calls for his removal from the show grew louder.
Amid the controversy, Archana Puran Singh was brought in as a permanent replacement for Sidhu. While the show’s producers and the channel remained tight-lipped about the reasons for Sidhu’s exit, sources close to the show revealed that the fallout from his comments prompted his departure. Despite this, Sidhu was caught off guard by the news, stating in a video on X (formerly Twitter) that he had not received formal communication regarding his removal and had only missed a few shoots due to his political duties.
Now, Sidhu’s upcoming appearance with his wife Navjot Kaur Sidhu and cricketer Harbhajan Singh has sparked renewed interest among fans, many of whom are still curious about the circumstances surrounding his exit. The latest promo teases a humorous makeover for Archana, suggesting a playful nod to Sidhu’s past role on the show. However, it’s clear that Sidhu will only appear as a guest and not return permanently.
Sidhu’s return, even if brief, raises questions about his relationship with the show and whether he has fully mended the rift caused by his controversial remarks. Fans are excited but still wondering what this unexpected return means for the dynamics of The Great Indian Kapil Show.