Bollywood actor Sharad Kapoor, known for roles in films like Josh, LOC Kargil, and Lakshya, has been accused of misbehaving with a 32-year-old woman. A First Information Report (FIR) has been registered against him by the Mumbai Police under serious charges.
The Allegations
The woman alleged that Kapoor invited her to his Khar residence under the guise of discussing a film project. According to the complaint, the actor misbehaved by calling her into his bedroom, touching her inappropriately, and later sending offensive messages via WhatsApp.
The complainant stated that her initial interaction with Kapoor began on Facebook, eventually progressing to video calls before their in-person meeting.
Legal Action
Following the woman’s complaint, the police filed an FIR under Sections 74, 75, and 79 of the Indian Penal Code, covering charges of assault, sexual harassment, and insults aimed at outraging a woman’s modesty.
Ongoing Investigation
The Mumbai Police have initiated a thorough investigation into the matter. Kapoor has not issued any public statement regarding the allegations as of now.
Sharad Kapoor gained recognition in Bollywood with memorable performances in films alongside stars like Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan. This incident adds to the growing discourse around misconduct and accountability within the entertainment industry.
This news report is curated with insights from multiple reliable news sources.