Veteran talk show host Simi Garewal recently came to the defense of Abhishek Bachchan amidst swirling rumors about his personal life. Speculation arose about a possible split from his wife, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and a potential link-up with actress Nimrat Kaur. These rumors gained traction after a blind item hinted at a new relationship for Abhishek, despite Aishwarya recently sharing a family photo that seemed to quell such speculation.
To counter these rumors, Simi Garewal shared an old clip from her iconic “Rendezvous” show featuring Abhishek. In the clip, Abhishek passionately expressed his strong views on loyalty in relationships, emphasizing that commitment is paramount and infidelity is “disgusting.” Simi accompanied the clip with a post praising Abhishek, calling him “one of the nicest men in Bollywood” with “good values and innate decency.” Choreographer Farah Khan echoed Simi’s sentiments, commenting on the post in agreement.
However, after facing inquiries from fans about her intentions, Simi Garewal ultimately decided to delete the post. While her initial intent was to support her friend, she likely recognized the potential for misinterpretation and the complexities of publicly commenting on such sensitive matters.
On the professional front, Abhishek Bachchan is currently busy filming “I Want To Talk” with director Shoojit Sircar. This project follows his acclaimed performance in R. Balki’s “Ghoomer,” showcasing his continued dedication to his acting career.
Abhishek Bachchan, a prominent figure in the Bachchan family, has always maintained a relatively low profile compared to his famous parents, Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan. This recent episode highlights the challenges faced by celebrities in navigating personal life amidst constant media scrutiny and public speculation.