Actor Vikrant Massey, acclaimed for his roles in Mirzapur and 12th Fail, has revealed the shocking threats his family, including his young son, Vardaan, has received after the trailer for his upcoming film The Sabarmati Report dropped. The film, which delves into the contentious 2002 Godhra train burning incident, has ignited a storm of controversy, resulting in personal attacks on Massey and his loved ones.
In a candid conversation, Massey shared his concerns about the safety of his family. He disclosed that his social media and WhatsApp messages have been flooded with harassing threats, with even his 9-month-old son’s name being dragged into the crossfire. “People are aware that I have a child who can’t even walk yet, yet they’re bringing his name into this. I’m deeply concerned about his safety. What kind of society are we living in?” Massey expressed, disturbed by the vitriol directed at his family.
Despite the unsettling nature of the threats, Massey remained resolute, insisting that fear will not stop him from pursuing important stories. “If fear had held us back, this film would never have been made,” he said, emphasizing his commitment to telling stories that matter, regardless of the backlash.
The Sabarmati Report, directed by Dheeraj Sarna, examines the socio-political fallout of the Godhra incident. Starring Raashii Khanna, Ridhi Dogra, and Barkha Singh, the film is produced by Balaji Motion Pictures in partnership with Vikir Films. Slated for release on November 15, 2024, it promises to stir discussions on a defining moment in India’s history.
Massey’s ordeal highlights the challenges of tackling sensitive subjects in Indian cinema, where public opinion can sometimes overshadow the artistic intent of filmmakers. As the release date draws near, the actor’s experience underscores the personal stakes involved in bringing such stories to the screen.